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Well I suppose I should start off with my name… πŸ™‚ in case you didn’t catch it πŸ˜‰
Its Andrea but I go by Drea (drey-yah) for short.

I am a 27 year old mother of 3 adorable boys! Caleb (6), Taite (4) and Owen (under 1). Some are surprised to see I have 3 children at my age… but I did however get married very young! I was 19 when I married my wonderful husband Travis. We met at my church. Travis is also a Pastor, making me a Pastors wife as well.

So lets see…


Mother of 3 Boys

Pastors Wife

and with what little spare time I have left… I run my own Professional Photography Business. I started it after the birth of my 2nd son Taite… and it has done nothing but grown since. The best thing about it is that I am able to stay at home with my children… but still pursue my passion in photography.

For fun and to help you get to know my children better, you can read below a little bit of information on them πŸ™‚

1st up:

Caleb Nathan


Caleb was born in 2004… and was my summer baby.
He came into this world weighing 7lbs 11oz (so easy to remember thanks to 711’s)
He is now 6 years old (As of 2010)
He is in his 1st year of home school and loving it!

Favorite Subject: Writing (cursive) – he looks forward to so much.
Favorite Food: Macaroni and Cheese
Favorite Restaurant: Deadwood (a local cowboy – outback steak house place in town)
Favorite Movie: Prince of Egypt (as of this week haha!)
Favorite TV Show: Transformers (blehhh, boys shows, I cant stand to watch them)
Favorite Drink: Chocolate Milk
Favorite Snack: Ice Cream

A few fun things about Caleb… he is BOLD and extremely intellectual. Caleb will pick up on the smallest of things…. and it just amazes me at how bright he is. Caleb is also very sensitive… He is also our CLEAN child πŸ™‚ – meaning, he dislikes to be dirty and will let you know if hes uncomfortable.
He loves to go on visits with his Dad, color, play with his brothers (Esp. Taite!) and sometimes just sit and look at books.
Hes a pro at memorizing scripture and is proud of it.

Next up:

Taite Ezekiel


Taite was my winter born… due on Christmas day but arriving at week or so early.
Taite was also our smallest weighing in at just 6lbs 8oz
Taite is our BLONDIE and blue-eye’d adopted child, kidding, although some days we wonder πŸ™‚
He is the complete opposite in so many ways to his brother Caleb.

Favorite Activity: Pretend Play
Favorite Food: Pancakes
Favorite Restaurant: Wendys
Favorite Movie: How to Train your Dragon? – he likes to many to pick….
Favorite TV Show: Spiderman
Favorite Drink: Orange Juice
Favorite Snack: Cookies

A few fun things about Taite… He is our cuddler! Caleb did cuddle some and still does… but not like Taite. Taite is extremely affectionate and loves to be held.. loves his back to be scratched… (I dont think Calebs ever asked for his back scratched), Taite is our odd ball eater… refusing things like bread, macaroni and cheese (calebs favorite!), white milk (he’d rather drink water – he must get this from me, because I cant stand milk)… He also wont eat cereal with milk… but neither will Caleb πŸ™‚ – so they share that in common.

Taite is extremely talkative… with one of the largest vocabs Ive ever heard.
He astonished people at age 2 talking in full sentences with such an understanding an articulation.
He is… our heart breaker… already drawing in the ladies πŸ™‚

Now… onto the baby:

Owen Luther


Owen was my spring born…
my hardest pregnancy out of the 3… and also my 1st “natural” birth experience baby… weighing in at 8.3lbs!

Favorite Activity: Cruising in the walker
Favorite Food: Cinnamon Bread
Favorite Restaurant: Anywhere Mommy is πŸ™‚
Favorite Sleep position: Butt in the air

I will skip the rest of the questions, since hes still so little.

Owen so far has been such an easy baby. You’d think he would be similar to his brothers… but so far he’s been totally different!

His personality is so laid back…Hes not one to cry unless hes stinky, hungry or tired.
He is quickly picking up the behaviors of his brothers and I am sure in no time will fit right in!


I hope you all enjoy our blog!! Feel free to email me or comment – I love hearing from those who are reading.

9 And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, 10 so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, 11 filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christβ€”to the glory and praise of God. ~Phil 1:9-11

& because… having boys is SO fun – heres some more evidence of that.


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